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Minggu, 10 November 2013

learning methods

beberapa metode pengajaran bahasa yang menarik untuk siswa.


Dalam metode ini siswa dituntut untuk mampu menterjemahkan tata bahasa, dan mampu menghafalkan kosa kata. Prosedur dari metode ini adalah : 1. Siswa membaca teks yang ditulis 2. Siswa menterjemahkan dengan bahasanya sendiri 3. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk bertanya dengan menggunakan bahasa mereka 4. Siswa menulis jawaban sebagai pemahaman membaca 5. Siswa menterjemahkan kata baru sesuai dengan bahasa mereka 6. Siswa diberikan kaidah tata bahasa melalui contoh 7. Guru meminta siswa untuk merumuskan kaidah tersebut 8. Siswa menghafalkan kosa kata

Direct method adalah metode mengajar secara langsung dan secara alami. Dalam metode ini kosa kata diajarkan melalui demonstrasi benda dan gambar dan bahan-bahan visual lainnya. Tujuan dasarnya adalah siswa belajar berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan bahasa secara spontan dan secara lisan. Prosedur DM : 1. Siswa secara bergantian membaca teks dengan suara keras 2. Setelah membaca, mereka bertanya sesuai dengan bahasa mereka 3. Guru menjawabnya sesuai dengan bahasa mereka pula 4. Guru dan siswa melafalkan kosa kata secara bersama-sama 5. Siswa menyusun pertanyaan dan parnyataan untuk siswa yang lain 6. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengisi latihan-latihan soal 7. Siswa membaca latihan dengan keras dan melengkapi kata yang hilang 8. Guru meminta siswa untuk mencatat dengan cara mendikte. 


Audio lingual method adalah metode yang diperkenalkan di USA pada tahun 1940. Tujuan linguistik (ilmu bahasa) ALM adalah: 1. Untuk memahami bahasa asing ketika berbicara dengan kecepatan normal dan difokuskan pada kebiasaan 2. Untuk berbicara dengan pronounciation yang tepat dan tata bahasa yang benar 3. Untuk menulis dengan standar yang tepat dan benar sesuai dengan topik. Disamping tujuan diatas metode ini juga mempunyai tujuan kultural seperti : 1. Para pelajar paham akan kebiasaan orang, yaitu cara berpakaian, pekerjaan, olah raga dan lain-lain 2. Untuk mengetahui fakta utama tentang geografi, sejarah, sosial dan politik 3. Untuk menghargai karya dan llmu pengetahuan orang lain 4. Untuk memahami nilai-nilai bahasa sebagai faktor utama dalam budaya mereka. 


 Silent Way Adalah nama dari sebuah metode pembelajaran bahasa yang ditemukan oleh CALES CATTEGAE. Pada metode ini guru relatif diam, murid yang dituntut lebih aktif dalam memperkaya bahasa sebanyak mungkin. Guru menuntut murid untuk berperan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Adapun prinsip dari metode ini adalah : 1. Tugas dari murid adalah menghubungkan ilmu bahasa yang telah mereka pelajari dan yang telah mereka pahami. 2. Proses pemahama/pengertian bagi murid itu sangat penting.


 Metode ini pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh charles A. Curran dan komunitasnya, ia adalah seorang spesialis konseling dan profesor psikologi di universitas loyola di chicago. Metode ini berawal dari inspirasi sebuah teknik psikologi konselling dalam sebuah pembelajaran. Metode ini dipakai untuk mengajarkan bahasa asing yang mana guru berperan sebagai konselor dan murid sebagai klien yang ditekankan pada community learning atau pembelajaran secara kelompok.

 Prinsipnya: 1. Apa yang menjadi tujuan guru dalam menggunakan metode cll 2. Apa yang menjadi peraturan untuk guru dan murid 3. Bagaimana bentuk dan proses pembelajarannya 4. Bagaimana murid bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik kepada guru dan komunitasnya 5. Menunjukkan bahasa dan budayanya 6. Bagaimana menekankan bahasa terhadap siswa dan pengetahuan apa yang harus diterapkan 7. Bagaimana cara memberikan evaluasi yang tepat 8. Bagaimana guru merespon siswa yang lemah  

Teknik nya :1. Percakapan siswa dengan menggunakan tape recorder 2. Guru merekam percakapan siswa 3. Guru memberikan kesempatan pada siswa untuk melakukan berbagai macam aktifitas 4. Siswa mendengarkan tape recorder tanpa intrupsi apapun dari guru 5. Siswa memilih sebagian catatan untuk dipraktekkan pronounciationnya dengan pengawasan guru 6. Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk membuat sebuah kalimat dengan kosa kata yang baru pada catatannya.


 Adalah satu metode pengajaran yang dikembangkan oleh psikoterapis bulgaria georgi lazanov, ia percaya bahwa sesuatu yang ada disekitar kita bisa menjadi sarana dalam proses belajar baik sarana positif dan negatif. Untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang efektif disini ada cara yang penting bagi guru bahasa, yaitu: 1. Cermat mengatur lingkungan fisik 2. guru harus sepenuhnya terlatih dalam seni sugestif komunikasi yakni mempunyai kemampuan untuk menggunakan sugesti secara tepat dengan bahasa, suara, intonasi, ekspresi wajah dan tubuh. 3. Guru harus mencintai murid-muridnya dan mengajar mereka melalui permainan, lagu, seni klasik dan kesenangan.

 Teknik sugestopedia : 1. Guru memperkenalkan tata bahasa dan isi 2. Guru membaca teks pada kecepatan normal dan para siswa mengikuti 3. Para siswa rileks mendengarkan guru membaca teks dengan diiringi musik 4. Para siswa menyelesaikan apa yang telah mereka pelajari dengan drama, lagu dan permainan. Kelemahan dari metode ini adalah bahwa aspek sugestopedia hanya cocok untuk kelas-kelas kecil dan tidak ada penyediaan dan persiapan untuk tingkat menengah dan mahir.


 TPR adalah metode yang dikembangkan oleh james j. Ashers seorang pakar ilmu jiwa di universitas san jose, california pada tahun 1960an. Prinsip dari metode ini adalah menyenangkan sehingga para pelajar tertarik dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing. Metode ini menggunakan gerakan tubuh yang dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi stress yang dirasakan oleh siswa ketika belajar. Bahasa yang akan diajarkan dimulai dari kata kerja dan kata benda sehingga para pelajar akan lebih mudah mempraktekkan dengan sebuah gerakan. TPR adalah sebagai seperangkat peraturan grammar dan kelas bahasa yang bisa menjadi dasar dalam mengorganisasikan grammar untuk kosa kata baru. Para pelajar pertama-tama belajar arti sebuah kata dan dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan sebuah kalimat selanjutnya para pelajar menguji hasilnya dengan memberi perintah kepada temannya. 


TUJUAN DARI METODE ini adalah : 1. Untuk membangun kompetensi komunikatif 
2. Untuk membangun prosedur pembelajaran mengenai empat kemampuan bahasa

Metode - metode ini perlu diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran, karena metode ini dapat membantu siswa dalam belajar.

Selain itu juga, guru harus dituntut menjadi profesional, maksudnya guru harus memiliki keahlian dan seni dalam mengajar. Seni yang dimaksud disini adalah guru yang memiliki kreativitas dalam memilih, mencari ataupun membuat metode pembelajaran yang menarik agar siswa tidak jenuh dan tidak merasa bosan. Dari hal ini, guru dapat dikatakan aktor di dalam kelas.

disini, saya akan menyampaikan beberapa ciri-ciri guru profesional

1. Selalu punya energi untuk siswanya

2. Memiliki keterampilan mendisiplinkan yang efektif
3. Memiliki manajemen kelas yang baik
4. Dapat berkomunikasi baik dengan siswa dan orangtua/wali dai siswa itu sendiri.
5. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang subjek yang diajarkan
6. Memiliki harapan yang inggi untuk siswanya
7. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang kurikulum

Peran guru terhadap siswa:

1. Fasilitator

Guru harus memfasilitasi siswa untuk mempermudah kegiatan belajar.

2. Motivator

Guru perlu memotivasi anak agar aktif dan bersemangat dalam belajar.

3. Informator

Guru harus memberikan informasi mengenai pelajaran sesuai dengan kurikulum.

4. Pembimbing

Guru harus membimbing siswa agar menjadi anak yang kreatif.

5. Korektor

Guru harus mampu membedakan nilai baik dan nilai buruk

6. Inspirator

Guru perlu memberikan inspirasi agar siswa tertarik untuk aktif dalam kegiatan belajar.

7. Evaluator

Guru perlu memberikan evaluasi kepada siswa, dan evaluasi tersebut harus jujur sesuai kemampuan siswa.

Ada beberapa tips untuk menjadi guru profesional

1. Memiliki kemampuan intelektual yang baik

2. Memiliki visi dan misi dalam pendidikan
3. Kreatif dalam menentukan metode pembelajaran
4. Memahami psikologi perkembangan anak 
5. Memiliki keahlian dalam mendidik dan mengajar
6. Memiliki manajemen kelas yang baik
7. Kreatif dalam mengajar dan membimbing anak

Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

Time and Space Pattern in America

Time in America


Time is the duration in which all things happen. They can use their time with value achievement. Every community will give different meaning about time. For example: in religious societies, their time is for prayer. But different with businessman, their time is used for meeting, visiting, an calling their partner.


Promptness is important in American business, academic, and social setting. The important of punctuality is taught to young children in the school
Americans people who keep appointments are considered dependable. Because if people are late to job interviews, appointments or classes they do not have responsibility because the important in business world, they said “Time is money”. Of course it is not possible to punctual. Social and business etiquette also provides rules for late arrivals. For example: calling on the telephone if one is going to be more than a few minutes late for scheduled appointments is considered polite and is often expected.
Respecting deadlines is also important in Americans business and academic. For example: if there is student collected his assignment late, the teacher or lecture will refuse his assignment or give lower grade.

Division of Time

Time is tangible: one can “gain time”. “waste time”, “save time” or every “kill time”. There are many common questions in American English. For example: “Do you have any time?”, “Can you get some time for this?” or “How much free time do you have?”
In America they do one job at a time. For example: when they want to meet, they have to make appointment before in order to can not disturb their schedules.

Future Time

The characteristic of America culture make changing in their life. They look to the future than to the past. It’s happened because the existence of technology, social, life style and their relationship.
In America, parents struggle to understand the values of their children although in America always change trend. In religious Institution also give advice to the followers by religious leaders to keep up with the time.
Some America believe that someone who has future orientation will have high standard live.

Time in Madura


According to Sumiaty, sixty two years old Sumenep, she said that time is for gathering with her family because she stay in her house only.
According to Hamdiyah, fourty three years old Sumenep, she said that time is for teaching because she is a teacher.


In Madura the promptness is not too important such as in America because although they are late in meeting, there isn’t fine. So Madurase is not attention in punctuality. Usually if Madurase come late more 15-20 minutes, they will be calling but it is usual.

Division Time

Common question that used in Madura if we need someone to help us. For example : “Sampeyan andi’ baktoh?”

Future Time

In Madura Future time is important. It is one of planning to be success in the future. Sometimes, parent is more influenced to the children future

Space in America

Space come from Yunnan’s Language, Typos or Location which has three expression of dimensional.

Architectural Differences

Architectural differences in America may also because confusion or discomfort for the travel. For example : Americans living in South America, so the architecture which stayed of American depend on the emotionally.
In American home, make the layout of rooms architecture according to function which one room has one function. For example : living room-American used living room if they have guest. Bedroom-American used bedroom if they want to sleep or take a rest. Different with Japan homes, the architecture in Japan is small but it can defined in two rooms which one room has many function. For example : living room-in living room they can used bedroom or playing room also.

Privacy and the Use of Space

In America respect other privacy is important such as “good fences make good neighbors’. Relationship between individuals and their physical surroundings are important to keep privacy each others. When privacy is needed, family members may lock their bedroom doors. For example : when American wants to be alone, he goes into room and he shut the door. It means that, he don’t want to disturb ( He is angry or He is busy ).
Americans has studied “ knock before you enter ”. it has studied by young American children.

Space in Madura

According to Latifah sixty five years old Sumenep, space is house which she can stay there and it can shape her.

Architectural Difference.

Usually on e room in Madura has many function. For example : living room-we can use it if we have guest and in other hand we can lay down or eaten something.

Privacy and the Use of Space.

In Madura good fences make a good neighbors, but keep privacy still less. For example : the children shut the door, it means that he wants to be alone (he has assignment or he has problem) but in Madurase other people don’t know about what is the meaning of it. So that, their parents angry to him because he shut the door and he doesn’t out from his bedroom. Other hand, his fried force him to open the door. So knock before you enter in Madurase is not important because not all people can do that.


Promptness in America is very important than Madura because promptness in Madura is not all people can do that.

In America in one room has one function but in Madura one room has many function.
American knock before you enter, it is important but in Madura not all people can do that.
Keep privacy is important in America but in Madura still les.
Japan’s house is same with Madura’s house.

• Levine, Deena R, and Mara B Adelman. Beyond language. Intercultural Communication for English as a Second Language. United State of America.
• Rifai Mien Ahmad, Manusia Madura. Yogyakarta: Pilar Media. 2007.
• Informant: Muarif ( 31 desember 1947 )
• http:// www. The saving
• http://www.writensevents,com/words_starting_whit_G/G_gait/gain_time_definition.html

Senin, 01 April 2013


A. Focus problem

Each research both quantitative and qualitative research is always left out of trouble. But there are fundamental differences between the "problem" in qualitative research "problem" to be solved through research to be clear, spestik, which was brought by researchers still dim, dark and even the complex and dynamic. Therefore, the "problem" in qualitative research is still tentative. Tentative and will evolve or change as researchers in the field.
In qualitative research, there will be several possibilities for the "problem" which was brought by the researchers in the study. The first problem was brought by researchers remain, so that from the beginning until the end of the study together. The second "problem" which was brought upon entering the study researchers developed that expand or deepen the problems that have been prepared.
Due to the extent of the problem too, so in order to quantitative research, the researcher will limit research in one or more variables. Thus the quantitative study was that called boundary problem. Extent of the problem in a qualitative study with focus on the call, which contains subject matter that is still common
The limitations in qualitative research is based on the importance, urgency feabilitas problem will be solved as well as the limitations of power factor, funds and time. An important issue in katakana if not solve the problem through research, the more it will create new problems. The problem is said to urgent (urgent) if the problem is not immediately solved through research, the more it will lose many opportunities to overcome. The problem is said to possible when there are many resources to solve the problem. To assess these issues is important, urgent and feasible, should be conducted through an analysis of the problem
In sharpen research, qualitative researchers establish focus. Spradley stated that "A focused refer to a single cultural domain or a few related dominains" means that the focus was a related domain of social situations. In qualitative research, the determination of the proposals focus more novelty based on the level of information that will be obtained from social situations (field).

Based on the level of explanation, a phenomenon, then in general there are three forms of the formulation of the problem, namely the problem formulation descriptive, comparative and associative.
1.theological descriptive problem is a problem formulation that guides researchers to exploration and social situation or a photograph that will be investigated thoroughly, breadth and depth.
2. Formulation of the problem is the problem formula comparative guide researchers to compare the social context or domain in comparison with one another.
3.Formulation of the problem is the associative or relationship problem formulation that guides the researcher to construct the relationship between social situations or domains with each other. Formulation of the problem associative be divided into three, namely, the relationship is symmetrical, reciprocal or causal and interactive. Causal relationship is a relationship that is cause and effect. Furthermore, reciprocal relationship is a relationship of mutual influence. In a qualitative study on the observed relationships or relationships that are found is reciprocal or interactive.
In quantitative research, the third formulation of the problem is related to the variable of the study, so the researchers are very specific formulation of the problem, and will be used as a guide for researchers to determine the basis of theory, hypotheses, instruments, and data analysis techniques.
Example Formulation of the problem of management
1.Apakah understanding of the people in the organization about the meaning and significance of Management (descriptive problem)
2.Bagaimana working environment or the working atmosphere in the work of the organization? (descriptive problem)
3.Bagaimana planning model that is in use within the organization, both strategic and tactical planning / annual (descriptive problem)
Placement model 4.Bagaimanakah people who occupy positions in the organization (descriptive problem)
5.Bagaimanakah models of coordination, leadership, and supervision are on the run in that organization? (problem associative)
6.Bagaimanakah pattern of income and expenditure budget organization? (issue associative)
7.Bagaimanakah patterns of supervision and control is done within the organization? (descriptive problem)
8.Apakah performance of the organization is different from other organizations similar (comparative issue)

The core of the study is due to a problem that needs to be addressed, there is a phenomenon that is not yet known and it is important to know. How researchers to formulate it clearly is to make research the questions that will be answered in this study.
The question in this research is the question of effective, interesting, relevant, must be clear, and can be researched. The characteristics to formulate good questions are: Actual, The paradox, and done with a different approach.

The question in this research can be divided into two categories:
a. general research questions
A common question is the question that is more abstract and usually can not be answered directly (as is very common).
For example:
 What factors are related to a student's interest in reading?
b. specific research questions
The specific question is a question that more detailed, more specific and clear. This question can be answered directly because it directly refers to the study data will be needed to answer these questions.
 For example:
common questions:
What factors are related to a student's interest in reading?
 Specific questions:
What is the relationship between the level of parental education with a student's interest in reading?
Is the level of interest in reading is affected by the level of income of the parents?


In formulating the problem, researchers need to pay attention to some of the terms that usually apply from the aspect of substance, originality aspect (action), formulation aspects and technical aspects. Aspects of the substance or content, keep in mind the weight and value issues, as well as the usefulness or benefits of solving problems through action selected. It should also consider the value applicative to solve similar problems that teachers face, the usefulness and usability methodologies to enrich or correct theory of learning theory that has been adopted.
In terms of originality (action), to think about whether the solution to the model act that is a new thing means teacher has never been done before, at least in the context of the problems that exist at the time of the study. Moderation originality requirement is allowed for in the context of education is not at any time be designed and implemented actions that are completely new. Even more frequent is the application of learning models that have been used before with different learning contexts.
From the aspect of the formulation, the problem should be formulated in the form of a question sentence. Should the formulation of the problem is not a problem inherent in the problem and not a double meaning, but straightforward explicit and specific about what is in question, and the action that is expected to resolve the issue. Examples of problem formulation given above can be used as a general pattern of how these problems are usually formulated PTK.

From the technical aspect of things to note is the feasibility of the problem and the ability of researchers to conduct research and to answer or solve selected problems. Considerations that may be filed as an understanding of the relevant theory teacher and mastery learning methodology chosen to solve the problem, mastery of teaching materials, as well as the facilities available Shaman to perform PTK (funds, time, and energy). It is therefore recommended that researchers chose a simple but meaningful issues, has a practical value for teachers and all who collaborate to gain a learning experience (lesson learn) for the development of professionalism.
The problems can be identified and should be formulated clearly defined, specific and operational, is associated with the selection of appropriate actions and results to be achieved.